API Reference

The complete API reference for Assistant. If you want to make your own modules, you should definitely read this.


class assistant.Assistant(**kwargs)
add_event_listener(callback, event=None)

Add a new event listener.

  • callback (coroutine) – The coroutine to call when this event is triggered. The callback must be a coroutine.
  • event ([Optional] str) – The name of the event for which the callback is being registered. If a name is not given, callback.__name__ will be used.

TypeError – The callback is not a coroutine.


Add a new module to Assistant.

Parameters:module – The module to add.


This function is called from the load function of the module.


This function is a decorator. It is a convenience wrapper for add_event_listener().

Parameters:event ([Optional] str) – The name of the event to listen to. This can be a custom event or a standard discord event .


async def on_message(message):

async def my_awesome_function():
    print("Awesome! We are ready to roll.")

async def my_awesome_function():
    print("Awesome! We are ready to roll once again.")

Load a module. Modules are collection of commands and custom event listeners. They are stateful. Sample modules can be found in /bot/modules directory. All modules must have a load function.


name (str) – The name of the module to load. See Notes for clarification.

  • AttributeError – Module does not have a load function.
  • TypeError – You are trying to access a module using relative path. See Notes for correct name convention.


+---run.py (or any file with run)

Modules should be placed in a sub-directory from where run() is used. For example, (using the above diagram as reference) if the name of your module file is hello.py and it is placed inside subdirectory then run.py will look something like this:

from assistant import Assistant
my_assistant = Assistant()
# Remember, no need to append .py
remove_event_listener(callback, event=None)

Remove an event listener.

  • callback (coroutine) – The coroutine to remove.
  • event ([Optional] str) – The name of the event listener to remove. If a name is not given, callback.__name__ will be used.


class assistant.Common(**kwargs)

Add a command to the commands list.

Parameters:cmd (Command) – The command to add.
command(*args, **kwargs)

This is a decorator. It invokes command() and adds the command to the commands list using add_command()


class assistant.Command(name, callback, **kwargs)

Represents a command.


str – The name of the command.


coroutine – The coroutine to invoke when the command is used.


str – A short description of the command.

assistant.command(name=None, **kwargs)

This function is a decorator. It is used to generate a Command object.

Parameters:name ([Optional] str) – The name of the command. If a name is not provided then the functions name func.__name__ is used instead.


# you don't always have to specify a name.
# Although specifying a name can be helpful.
async def my_command(ctx):
    await ctx.send_message(message.channel, "Hello")

async def _ping(ctx):
    await ctx.send_message(message.channel, "pong")
Raises:TypeError – The callback function is not a coroutine.